Tina sells lampshades for $7 each and paper lanterns for $4 each at a one-day craft fair. She sells k lampshades and (k + 4) paper lanterns. The expression 7k + 4(k + 4) represents Tina’s total sales. Select all the equivalent expressions for Tina’s total sales at the fair

7k + 4k + 4
7k + 4k + 4
11k + 16
11k + 16
7k + 4k + 16
7k + 4k + 16
8k + 16
8k + 16
11k + 4


Answer 1

Answer: 11k + 16 and 7k + 4k + 16

Step-by-step explanation: if we distribute the 4 first we get


we can aslo combine the k's to get


hope this is helpful (^_^)

Related Questions

help I don’t know the answer


Report this clown who put the first answer he’s trying to get your ip

Find the Circumference of a circle with a Diameter of 9 inches Group of answer choices 9 pi inches 9 pi inches^2 9 pi inches^3 108 pi inches


Answer: [tex]9\pi\ in.[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


The diameter of a circle is [tex]d=9\ in.[/tex]

So, the radius is [tex]r=\frac{d}{2}=4.5\ in.[/tex]

The circumference is given by [tex]2\pi r[/tex]

Insert the values

[tex]\Rightarrow 2\pi \cdot 4.5\\\Rightarrow 9\pi \ in.[/tex]

Thus, the circumference of the circle is [tex]9\pi\ in.[/tex]  

1. If it takes 56 square inches of paper to wrap a label around a can of soup that is 7 inches tall, how far
is it around the can?
A.6 inches
B. 10 inches
C. 8 inches
D. 9 inches



c 8 inches

Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

Midpoint formula, and plug in the numbers.

Hope this helps.





What are the solutions of the equation 3x^2 +13x=10 ?


X= 2/3 and negative 5

Estimate the circumference of the circular base of the object. Round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.

D battery with radius 0.65 in.

circumference: ___ in.




Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]2\pi \times r[/tex]

The circumference of the circular base of the object is 4.082 in

What is circumference?

The circumference is the length of any great circle, the intersection of the sphere with any plane passing through its center.

Given that, we need to find the circumference of the circular base of the object, whose radius is 0.5 in

The circular object is referred as circle, the circle's circumference is its boundary length measured in unit whose power is always 1, like m, cm, km etc.

Here, if we calculate the circumference of the object, we will get,

The circumference of any circular object given by :-

C = 2π×radius

C = 2×3.14×0.65 = 4.082 in

Hence, the circumference of the circular base of the object is 4.082 in

Learn more about circumference, click;



Solve this inequality. 7d-1<6d


Answer: d < 1

I used A app and it said that


find the value of x in a circle 8,x, 20,36



8.8 i think

Step-by-step explanation:




you are correct :D

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the diameter and circumference

9 m



d = 18, c = 56.55

Step-by-step explanation:








Step-by-step explanation:

Because it is an equation

Find the perimeter and Area of the rectangle


the answer is x^2+5(0) because the theorem matches the equation equally


p is 5 by 7 the a is 3 by 6

Step-by-step explanation:

A(4,10) and B (6,12)
(1) Find the distance between A and B




Step-by-step explanation:

Input Data :

Point 1(xA,yA)(xA,yA) = (4, 10)

Point 2(xB,yB)(xB,yB) = (6, 12)

Objective :

Find the distance between two given points on a line?

Formula :

Distance between two points = √(xB−xA)2+(yB−yA)2(xB-xA)2+(yB-yA)2

Solution :

Distance between two points = √(6−4)2+(12−10)2(6-4)2+(12-10)2

= √22+2222+22

= √4+44+4

= √88 = 2.8284

Distance between points (4, 10) and (6, 12) is 2.8284

can sb pls answer this for me im having a really hard time


The answer to A) is .0062 cents per inch

5 blue, 3 white, 1 red, 7 green light bulbs in a bag. The probability to pull a blue or red is... ?




Step-by-step explanation:

Four lines are shown in the graph below.

Which line has the slope with the greatest value?

line A

line B

line C

line D




Step-by-step explanation:

A vertical line will have the steepest slope

Emerson deposited $194 into the bank. What will the balance be if Emerson left the money there for 7 years with an interest rate of 7.67%?



You just have to round to the cent place to get your answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helped!

-Brainly User



Step-by-step explanation:

you divide 7.67 by 100 then you would take that number and multiply it by 194 and 7 and then add your total to 194

There are 5,400 bricks on a pallet. There are 9 crates of bricks on each pallet. How many bricks are in each crate? Enter your answer in the box.


5400 divided by 9 would be 600



Step-by-step explanation:


Assuming you have the same amount of bricks in each crate there would be 600 bricks in each of the 9 crates. Hope this helps :)

I cant download the answers.



add it then it will be easy than downloading


{-3, -2, -1}

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the vertex of the parabola? y+1=−14(x−2)2 Enter your answer in the boxes.



y + 1 = -14(x - 2)^2y = -14(x - 2)^2 - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the answer pls I will mark as brainless




Step-by-step explanation:


HELPP MEE!!! Find the total area of the figure below. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.



area = 110.72 m²

Step-by-step explanation:

area of square = 8 x 9 = 72 m²

area of triangle = 1/2 x 3 x 9 = 13.6 m²

area of semi circle = 1/2πr² = 1/2(3.14)(4²) = 25.12 m²

total area = 72 + 13.6 + 25.12 = 110.72 m²

Using the change-of-base formula, which of the following is equivalent to the
logarithmic expression below?
log, 18



The logarithmic expression is:


To find:

The equivalent expression of given expression by using change-of-base formula.


The change-of-base formula is:


The given expression is:


Using the change-of-base formula, we get


Where, is a constant and c>0.

Let [tex]c=10[/tex], then


Therefore, the correct option is a.

in quadrilateral ABCD shown the two diagonals AC and BD intersect at point E

Which of the following statements, along with the given information, is both necessary and sufficient to prove that ABCD is a parallelogram?
A) AC 1 BD
B) AB CE and BE DE
C) AB CD and BS CE
D)m ABC + m/BAD - 180



your answer is B AB CE and BE DE

So mark me as brainliest

The statements that are necessary and sufficient to prove that ABCD is a parallelogram are, (B), (C) and (D).

What is a parallelogram?

A basic quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides is known as a parallelogram. In a parallelogram, the opposing or confronting sides are of equal length, and the opposing angles are of equal size.

The area of a parallelogram is base multiples by height as two triangles form a parallelogram.

From the properties of parallelograms the statements that are necessary and sufficient to prove that ABCD is a parallelogram are,

[tex]\overline{AE}[/tex] ≅ [tex]\overline{CE}[/tex] and [tex]\overline{BE}[/tex] ≅ [tex]\overline{DE}[/tex]  as diagonal of a parallelogram bisect each other.

[tex]\overline{AB}[/tex] ≅ [tex]\overline{CD}[/tex] and [tex]\overline{BE}[/tex] ≅ [tex]\overline{CE}[/tex] opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal.

m∠ABC + m∠BAD is 180° as the sum of the adjacent sides in a parallelogram are supplementary.

learn more about parallelograms here :



Triangle ADE is proportional to Triangle ABC. Given the side lengths in the diagrams, what is the length of AD?

Group of answer choices

11 in

6 in

8.75 in

8 in



11 inches is your answer sorry if i am wrong i hope this helps

Step-by-step explanation:

Megan surveyed a random sample of 60 students at her school and found that 42 of them ride the bus to school each day. If there are 320 students at Megan’s school, about how many of them ride the bus to school each day?



224 student ride the bus to school each day.

Step-by-step explanation:

Jacob and his dad end up hiking up to the top. If the base of the mountain is 2,600 feet wide and the mountain is pretty much isosceles, what is the total distance that Jacob and his dad hiked from their campsite to the top of the mountain?


The total distance that Jacob and his dad hiked from their campsite to the top of the mountain is approximately 7,105.92 feet.

To calculate the total distance Jacob and his dad hiked from their campsite to the top of the mountain, we need to consider the width of the base of the mountain and the height of the mountain.


Base width of the mountain: 2,600 feet

Since the mountain is pretty much isosceles, we can assume that the height of the mountain is equal to the length of the two equal sides of the triangle formed.

To find the height of the mountain, we can use the Pythagorean theorem.

Let's assume the height of the mountain is 'h' feet.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we have:

[tex](2,600/2)^2 + h^2 = 2,600^2[/tex]

Simplifying the equation:

[tex]1,300^2 + h^2 = 2,600^2\\1,690,000 + h^2 = 6,760,000[/tex]

[tex]h^2 = 6,760,000 - 1,690,000\\h^2 = 5,070,000[/tex]

Taking the square root of both sides:

h = sqrt(5,070,000)

h ≈ 2,252.96 feet

Now we can calculate the total distance they hiked from their campsite to the top of the mountain by considering the base width and the height of the mountain.

Total distance = Base width + 2 × Height

Total distance = 2,600 + 2 × 2,252.96

Total distance ≈ 2,600 + 4,505.92

Total distance ≈ 7,105.92 feet

Therefore, the total distance that Jacob and his dad hiked from their campsite to the top of the mountain is approximately 7,105.92 feet.

for such more question on distance



please answer ill give you branliest!!



66.28 sq. km

Step-by-step explanation:

the area of fig. =


= 12+48+6.28

= 66.28 sq. km

Which of the following equations can be used to find the missing angle, x, in the triangle below?




Step-by-step explanation:

a triangle has a total angle degrees of 180


x + 84 = 180

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of all the interior angles of a triangle is 180. So basically, x plus the other two angles would have to equal 180.

drag each expression to show whether it is equivalent to 3 time times 9 or to 2x3x9​


The first and third one goes to the left box and the second and fourth one goes to the right box
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