Match the vocabulary word to its correct definition.


Answer 1


1st box-   5. Connotation

2nd box- 4. Analogy

3rd box-  2. Allusion

4th box-  3. Mood

5th box-  1. Inference

Could you kindly mark me brainlest when someone else answers?

Hope this helps!!

Related Questions

which type of rehetoric is used in the sentence. getting good grades in school will help you get into a better college







What is an open form in poetry? Give at least one example and explain what a reader might
expect from this type of form.




Open form is very free - it doesn't have to follow traditional or specific patterns. This style of poetry may not follow any rules at all or it might use small elements of traditional forms of poetry. ... It is divided into stanzas - poetic paragraphs - and includes some rhyme and rhythm but not in a regular pattern.


“The lady and the tiger”
1. The ending of the story is ambiguous, or open to the reader's interpretation.
What do you think happens at the end of the story? Support your answer with
evidence from the text.
2. Connect to the story. Have you ever faced a difficult decision between two
undesirable options? Explain.


"The Lady, or the Tiger?" is a short story in which a princess has to choose between having the man she loves die or marry another woman.

Even though the ending of the story is ambiguous, you can say you believe she ended up sending her lover to be killed by the tiger because she was too jealous to let him marry another woman.Since this is a personal question, you can mention any difficult decision you have ever had to make. In case you haven't gone through such a situation, you can come up with one. For example, you can say a friend of yours once asked you to lie for him.

What happens in "The Lady, or the Tiger?"

In the short story "The Lady, or the Tiger?", a princess falls in love with a man who is not a noble. Her father then sends this man to be tried and judged, but the trial is quite illogical.

The man has to choose between two doors - one that will lead to a tiger, another that will lead to a maiden. Choosing the tiger, he dies. Choosing the lady, he has to marry her.

The princess finds out which door leads to which fate, but there is a problem. Although she loves the man, she is too jealous. She cannot imagine him marrying another woman without feeling enraged.

You can answer the first question by saying that you believe the princess sent the man to be killed by the tiger. You can justify by mentioning:

In the story, the princess is described as semi-barbaric, which means she cannot put reason above emotions.The narrator makes a point of revealing how jealous the princess feels.

As for the second question, you can come up with a story. For example, you can say that a friend of yours did something wrong and then asked you to lie for him. You had to decide whether to lie or not.

With the information above in mind, we can conclude that the answer provided above is correct.

Learn more about "The Lady, or the Tiger?" here:


17. Why did Korinna go into the wardrobe?
a. To give company to Rachel
b. To tell Rachel that she needed to
get out of her house
c. To find her kitten
d. To hide from the Nazis



d. To hide from the Nazis


what is tissue!!!??!??;!!!​



A tissue is a piece of thin paper cloth designed for multiple uses.


It is used for wiping tears, blowing noses, cleaning small water drops, and many more.


Tissue are groups of cells with a common structure (form)and function (job)


Which of the following is NOT something different about the new Ms.Marvel?
A.She is Muslim and has conservative values
B.She can blast her enemies with energy shot from her hands.
C.She does not fit the stereotype of a female superhero
D.She is an American teenager from New Jersey.



B.She can blast her enemies with energy shot from her hands.


According to the CommonLit passage, the new Ms Marvel Kamala Khan, who is a teenage conservative Muslim superhero from New Jersey can shape shift and will take over from the old Ms Marvel.

Therefore, the thing that is NOT something different about the new Ms.Marvel is that she B.She can blast her enemies with energy shot from her hands.

The different things about her includes that she is Muslim and has conservative values, does not fit the stereotype of a female superhero, and is an American teenager from New Jersey. Therefore, the correct answer is B.

Read the following lines and answer the question that follows: ROMEO Alive, in triumph! and Mercutio slain! Away to heaven, respective lenity, And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now! Now, Tybalt, take the villain back again, That late thou gavest me; for Mercutio's soul Is but a little way above our heads, Staying for thine to keep him company: Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him. What is the significance of the diction in this speech


Answer: C


Answer: the answer would be C: " After Mercutio's death, Romeo expresses intense anger toward Tybalt."


Read the excerpts from historical documents. From the Declaration of Independence: For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. From the Declaration of Sentiments: After depriving her of all rights as a married woman, if single, and the owner of property, he has taxed her to support a government which recognizes her only when her property can be made profitable to it. How are these excerpts similar



Both excerpts present examples of legal oppression.


The excerpts presented in the question above are two examples of legal oppression, where someone or something possessing political power harmed a person or a group of people civilly, injuring the rights of citizens and causing civil and political damage through excess of authority. It is possible to reach this conclusion because in the first text, we can see that someone suspended all the laws adopted by a community, so that it could govern according to its own will. In the second text, we can see that a woman's property rights were taken away from her, because it did not seem profitable to someone with political power.


How are these excerpts similar?

Both insist that taxes should be reduced.

Both offer accusations of legal oppression.  <<<<<<<correct

Both complain about real estate values.

Both encourage the underprivileged to speak up.


EDGE 2021

How does the use of the phrase “I love you” in between stanzas affect the meaning of the poem?

It slows the pace of the poem, which reveals the speaker's doubt in the degree of his love.
It builds intensity and passion between the speaker and the one he loves.
It creates space and a distance between the speaker and the one he loves.
It quickens the pace of the poem, which delivers the speaker’s message more quickly.





because when a person finally tells someone they love them it gives them excited to express more of their feelings

6. What part of a source should you paraphrase for your report?
just the parts that are most interesting to you as a reader
just sentences that are closely related to your research question
the first few sentences of each chapter or paragraph



Just sentences that are closely related to your research question.


Answer:    The second one.


me podrian ayudar que no lo entiendo



Look at the images.


What do you feel on the night before the last day of school?​






it feels odd- honsetly it all seems like a blur-

(i’m horrible i explaining things so, apologises if it doesn’t make sense

Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. What inference can you make from the comparison of lines two and five? A) Love will ensure that God is in your heart. B) Love is a valued possession for those worthy of love. C) You will be the guide if your life is filled with love. D) With love, you are not in charge; you cannot own or lead it.



The inference you can make from the comparison of lines two and five is:

D) With love, you are not in charge; you cannot own or lead it.


The lines we are analyzing here were taken from the poem "On Love" by Kahlil Gibran, a Lebanese-American poet and essayist.

According to the lines, we cannot possess love. Love is not only independent, but it also the one in charge. Once we find love, it commands our lives instead of being commanded by us. With that in mind, we can easily choose letter D as the correct option: With love, you are not in charge; you cannot own or lead it.




With love, you are not in charge; you cannot own or lead it.

We can learn experience not only b study. Elaborate


Can you send a picture

I’m giving 20 points for this please don’t send links or tell me you can’t see it and if you don’t know then don’t answer




When you choose a college to attend, you should spend sufficient time learning about the programs offered there. When it is time to tell your parents about your top choices, you need to support your assertions with specific details. Do not misrepresent the university, but carefully present your opinion. Who knows? They might end up thinking your top choice was really their idea all along! If you don't do this, the alternative could be miserable.

collage - college

their - there

ascertions - assertions

misrepersent - misrepresent

there - their

ideal - idea

alternetive - alternative

I could only find 7, sorry.


Two resources are online checking websites, like Grammarly and you can also have someone else proofread your writing.

Which historical world event connects most closely with the themes of William Golding's Lord of the Flies? A. The Great Depression B. World War II C. The French Revolution D. The invention of the computer



B. World War II


Lord of Flies is a novel that was written by William Golding and published on the 17th of September, 1954. The novel is about a group of schoolboys from Britain during a war who were stranded on a deserted tropical island. The boys were also trying to find their way our of the Island.

The novel is closely related to world war II, because the boys on the island started to have traumas which were similar to some soldiers from WWII.




7. What is the most effective way to combine sentences 2 and 3?
Buried treasure



Kharma was my dog, that I resued from the local animal shelter


the first one is wrong because you wouldn't use an apostrophy to connect a sentance, the third one is wrong because its not written in a proper sentance format and when read aloud sounds weird. the fourth one is wrong becuase you woudn't use a semicolon to connect a sentance either.


(Ans is d) because in first sentence karma was my dog it s comma is coming upwards. in second sentence that is coming in between so that makes this sentence wrong .

Write the possessive form of the italicized noun or pronoun.

The two babies strollers are identical.
(babies is italicized)



i think it’s babies’


In the example of baby's and babies', the apostrophe is added before the s to indicate a singular possession (e.g. the baby's changing room). It is added after the s when referring to the plural, babies (e.g. the babies' changing room).

Sorry if I wrong and I hope this helped!

Answer: babies' is your answer to the answer to the question


Our team lost the final match. ( team)

i) proper noun

ii) collective noun

iii) common noun

iv) material noun​



proper noun


1. proper noun

hope this helped

A review is a type of Persuasive Writing.





Surprisingly, this is true! I know, I was suprised when I first learned it too. It persuades the reader that the story or whatever is worth reading or not worth reading.




a persuasive writing is something/someone trying to get someone to think how they think or see their side of the argument which is where the phrase "put yourself in someone else' s shoes" takes a part, a persuasive writing is written to pursue a opinion  

Select the correct answer.
What do the "Windows" represent in these lines from “I heard a fly buzz—when I died”?

With Blue – uncertain – stumbling Buzz –
Between the light – and me –
And then the Windows failed – and then
I could not see to see –

the afterlife
the speaker’s death
the speaker’s eyes
the fly



B) the speaker’s death


Its C. The speaker's eyes.


The eyes of a human are like windows, you see out of your eyes, you see out of windows.

16) Which would likely be presented first in a research paper that is
organized sequentially?
A) Originating in China 2,000 years ago
FDA approved acupuncture needles for use in 1996
A 2001 study documented the effects of acupuncture
Acupuncture became better known in the U.S. in


D. It gives more and first information about acupuncture

The one that would likely be presented first in a research paper that is organized sequentially is "Originating in China 2,000 years ago". Thus the correct option is A.

What is a Research paper?

A Research paper refers to a scholarly document created by experts based on research, analysis, and evaluation of different data, information, facts, and figures in order to develop a solution or scientific conclusion about any topic or issue.

The Research paper about any subject at the initial level contains the thesis statement which helps the readers to understand the reason for developing the research paper.

The statement," Originating in China 2,000 years ago" this included in the research paper at first because it provides information about history that what happens in the past, and its significance or impact on the present event.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about the Research paper, here:


Which of the following best describes how well Student D responded overall to the task?





more detail please


What would be a good counter-arguement for this Assertion?

While symbolism can help to understand Golding’s message of human nature, it can also help portray his message about social power relationships and their contributions to human nature.



Answer: A child may argue for a dog. The parents remind the child his sister is allergic to dogs. The boy uses the counterargument that she has been around some dogs without any problems. He is ready for each argument against the dog, perhaps stating there are breeds of dogs that are hypoallergenic.

Explanation: hope this helps

After you opponent serves you the ball- the opposite team should recieve the ball with a in vollyball
Forearm pass



I think a Forearm Pass


In most cases this would be the easiest way to recieve the ball and counter attack therefor helping to score a point.

(Sorry if that is wrong, I am just going by what I know.)

Read the poem. My Cat A bump of black and white Is purring in my bed. And later on at night I find him near my head. The pillow quakes and quivers Like pudding on a plate. He wakes me up at midnight. I sure hope he sleeps late! _________________________________________ Read these lines from the poem again. The pillow quakes and quivers Like pudding on a plate. How does the simile affect the mood of this poem


The question is incomplete and the full version can be found online.  

Answer: The mood is lighthearted because the comparison created is silly.


A simile is a figure of speech that proposes a comparison of two different things to create a more vivid description of something. In this example, the reference to the pillow shaking like "pudding on a plate" creates a playful image of the movement of the pillow caused by the cat.

The comparison is simple, not difficult to understand. And the mood, despite seeming a reproach to the cat, is not angry. It´s not happy either, as the author gets disturbed while sleeping, but the reproach is playful and still warm.

you should refrain from running or playing on wet and smooth surfaces after a dip in the following swimming pool.​


yes because you can slip which is not safe for one as running on wet smooth surfaces make you slide

can cause a very bad injury if landing wrong

always walk






2.long hair









Which writing purpose would most likely require an formal style? A. Writing to a former teacher to request a reference for a new job B. Texting your mom saying sorry for eating all the plums in the fridge C. Writing a social media post about baseball for your friends to read D. Emailing the rest of your class project group to change your meeting time​



A. Writing to a former teacher to request a reference for a new job


Which revision to sentence 3 contains an example of figurative language?
(1) Antonio turned and faced the door. (2) He knew that once he walked out, he could never return. (3) The decision was hard.

a The decision seemed to be a difficult one.
b The decision was an example of what he had feared.
c The decision loomed ahead of him like a gathering storm.
d The decision was, without a doubt, the toughest of his life.


Answer: c. The decision loomed ahead of him like a gathering storm.


Figurative language refers to when a real life situation is compared to a hypothetical situation in order to show the gravity of the real life situation. Figurative language examples included metaphors and similes.

Option C contains a simile due to its use of the word "like" to compare the decision being faced to a gathering storm. This shows that the decision ahead of Antonio was a difficult one because storms gathering ahead of a person would mean that the person is about to be in a difficult position.

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