describe how lactobacillus is important in human intestine???​


Answer 1


This genus of microbes breaks down dietary fibers and phytonutrients (like polyphenols) which have beneficial effects for your health. What's more, Lactobacillus even helps to feed other bacteria in your gut, such as the ones that produce butyrate (which the cells in your gut lining need for energy).


Answer 2

This genus of microbes breaks down dietary fibers and phytonutrients (like polyphenols) which have beneficial effects for your health. What's more, Lactobacillus even helps to feed other bacteria in your gut, such as the ones that produce butyrate (which the cells in your gut lining need for energy).

websites and the little bit i knew helped

Related Questions

I need help with this one too!!!



EE is dominant ee is recessive, the probability of the child having ee is 25 percent

Select all that apply.

Tragically, the United States lost astronauts in accidents involving:

Apollo 11
Viking 11
Vostok 1


Challenger , viking11




The southern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun at the point of the year.

which of the following is true about macromolecules



i think A


A macromolecule is a very large molecule, such as a protein. They are composed of thousands of covalently bonded atoms. Many macromolecules are the polymerization of smaller molecules called monomers.

pa brainlies po pls

The statement that is true as regards macromolecule is Amino acid are bonded together to make a protein.

What are macromolecule?

macromolecule can be regarded as the big molecules which are the composition of smaller molecules.

For instance,  very large molecule, such as a protein or carbohydrates.

Learn more about macromolecule at;

is an organism that eats other organisms to gain energy; it is also called





Heterotrophs are known as consumers because they consume producers or other consumers

Which statement correctly describes scientific knowledge!
A. It changes from place to place.
B. It is based on opinions.
C.It varies from person to person.
D. It is based on facts.

(No files)



D: It is based on facts.


The reason is because science is based off of data and analsys which

What is the weather like in the Serengeti ecosystem?



The climate in Serengeti is usually moderate and pleasant. It never gets very hot, but it is consistently cool to cold at night and in the early mornings. Don't forget to take warm clothing.


Serengeti's Dry season is from June to October. There are two Wet seasons. The short rains are from November to December, and the long rains are from March to May. During the Wet season, it rarely rains all day, but afternoon thundershowers can be expected.

Which process(es) occur in body cells (such as skin, muscle, and bone)?
Group of answer choices



neither mitosis or meiosis

both mitosis and meiosis





Mitosis is how somatic—or non-reproductive cells—divide. Somatic cells make up most of your body's tissues and organs, including skin, muscles, lungs, gut, and hair cells.

Mitosis is the key ansserrrrdr

Which of the following are associated with arthritis? HURRY PLEASE

A-inflammation of joints

B-increased range of motion of joints

C-strengthening of joints

D-degeneration of joints



A. Inflammation of joints

Meteorologists often try to predict what the high temperature of a day will be several days beforehand. Why do meteorologists not try to predict the high temperature of a day six months in the future?

A. Weather does not follow any predictable patterns.

B. Meteorologists have this information but choose not to share it with the public.

C. It is impossible to know what season it will be six months in the future.

D. Weather is a highly complicated system that is very difficult to predict.




Its D- Weather is a highly complicated system that is very difficult to predict.


Weather has a pattern so A is not the answer and no way Meteorologists would keep information to themselves so not B and lastly it's not impossible but just very hard so C is out, which leaves D.

What is are local winds​ in your own words but be more detailed about what you say.


I think local winds is like somewhere where it is usually windy with high pressures. For example see breezes, land breezes, and etc.

Hope this helps!

How have the factors that trigger an asthma attack changed since the 1900s? As a researcher, how would you put together the clues given here to explain the emerging epidemic?


so if you look up things that can cause an asthma attack it will also show that viruses and bacteria are a cause. with asthma you lungs could already be inflamed as well as your air way wich makes it harder to breath. when you have c-19 it will inflame your lungs even more so it makes it even harder to breath given an asthma attack. more asthma attack now are probably caused by c-19 because it is all over the place and the percent of asthma attack by virus has dramatically increased.

what is a genomic change based on definition?



Genome size can increase by duplication, insertion, or polyploidization. Recombination can lead to both DNA loss or gain. Genomes can also shrink because of deletions. ... It is beneficial to an organism to rid itself of non-essential genes because it makes replicating its DNA much faster and requires less energy.


The study of genes and their function. Genomics aims to understand the structure of the genome, including the mapping genes and sequencing the DNA

.ما مصدر الأكسجين المتفاعل مع سكر الجلوكوز


يأتي الأكسجين الذي تستخدمه الحيوانات للتنفس الخلوي من النباتات وكائنات التمثيل الضوئي الأخرى. متفاعلات التنفس الخلوي في الحيوانات هي نتاج تلك الموجودة في النباتات ، لذلك كل شيء يعمل بشكل جيد.

(أنا لا أتحدث العربية ، لقد استخدمت ترجمة جوجل لذلك أعتذر عن أي أخطاء)

7 points for each answer plus a brainliest (picture of the chart shown)
Sophia discovered two objects in space with the help of her telescope. She noted down the characteristics of the objects in the chart below.

Which of these statements is most likely correct about Object 1 and Object 2 discovered by Sophia?
A. Object 1 is an inner planet and Object 2 is a comet.
B. Object 2 is an inner planet and Object 1 is a comet.
C. Object 1 is an outer planet and Object 2 is an asteroid.
D. Object 2 is an outer planet and Object 1 is an asteroid.



C. Object 1 is an outer planet and Object 2 is an asteroid.


While inner planets can have moons, many moons are a more common feature of outer planets (ex. Jupiter has 79 moons, while Mars has 2). Plus, moons don't orbit asteroids or comets since moons are usually larger. This rules out any of the options involving Object 1 being an inner planet, comet, or asteroid. As for object two, both an asteroid or a comet would make sense as they both have irregular shapes. The only answer that has Object 1 as an outer planet is C. Also Object 1 has rings, which shows that it's an outer planet.

What percent of the time is a cell in Interphase? What about Mitosis?



90%, 10%


The cell spends most of its time in Interphase.

How are tropical rain forests and temperate forests different?


There are two types of rainforests, tropical and temperate. Tropical rainforests are found closer to the equator where it is warm. Temperate rainforests are found near the cooler coastal areas further north or south of the equator. The tropical rainforest is a hot, moist biome where it rains all year long.

known as D

hope this helps <3

The first Adrick agricultural species to be altered by genetic modification words though soybean be right





Tomato is the first Adrick agricultural specie to be altered by genetic modification in order to increase the productivity. Soybean and many other plants also changed by doing modification in their genes which enhances the productivity as well as the quality of these plants. Genetic modification helps us to increase the yield of food crops in order to feed the existing population so we can conclude that  genetic modification be done to achieve higher productivity of crops.

¿de que manera el desarrollo cientifico y tecnologico repercute en la agricultura ecologica ,como parte de las condiciones para la propuesta de emprendimiento familiar?



Los desarrollos científico-tecnológicos han impactado positivamente sobre los sistemas de agricultura ecológica y en última instancia también sobre la agricultura familiar


La agricultura ecológica refiere a los procedimientos de explotación agrícola basados en la utilización sustentable de los recursos de la tierra y los métodos de fertilización orgánica, respetando el ambiente natural y evitando el uso de compuestos químicos artificiales (como por ejemplo plaguicidas químicos) y de cultivos transgénicos. Por otra parte, la agricultura familiar refiere a un tipo de agricultura ecológica basado en la dirección y la administración familiar. La agricultura familiar es el sistema de agricultura predominante en regiones pobres de América Latina y el Caribe, representando aproximadamente el 80 % de la producción agrícola. De este modo, el desarrollo de métodos eficientes de agricultura/ecológica familiar resultan fundamentales para lograr la seguridad alimentaria en la región y también para mitigar los efectos negativos del cambio climático. En este contexto, diferentes avances científico-tecnológicos han impactado positivamente sobre el manejo, eficiencia y productividad de la agricultura familiar como sistema de cultivo no sólo sustentable sino también eficiente, entre los cuales se destacan el desarrollo de mini-invernaderos, variedades mejoradas obtenidas a través de técnicas de mejoramiento genético convencional (selección a campo), trampas artesanales para la captura de insectos plagas, etc. Diferentes tecnologías/metodologías como las anteriormente citadas han sido ajustadas y validadas a partir de procesos de experimentación participativa con el objetivo de estudiar cuales son las condiciones de la zona que mejor se adaptan al tipo de cultivo y de incrementar la productividad de sistemas de cultivos sustentables.






i took the test


if the shorter plants are the recessive it would be tt x tt of they are the dominant, it would be TT x Tt.

Explain how limiting growth is advantageous for the goldfish’s survival in a home aquarium


The goldfish is a pet. In a home it is in a secure taken care of aquarium and will only grow to fit the size of the aquarium it is in.

What does the Coriolis effect directly impact?


The Coriolis effect impacts the wind pattern around the globe.
Outside storm systems, the impact of the Coriolis effect helps define regular wind patterns around the globe. As warm air rises near the Equator, for instance, it flows toward the poles. In the Northern Hemisphere, these warm air currents are deflected to the right (east) as they move northward.
Hope this helps

In a food chain, the organism that eats the secondary consumer is the:

B.Second Consumer
C.Primary Consumer D.Producer





What happen after you drink mineral water, does it go to kidney and how it get removed


Mineral water poses no threat to your health and is processed through the kidneys like any other beverage. In fact, there are experimental studies showing mineral water’s potential to help kidney stone sufferers:

“It is concluded that mineral water containing calcium and magnesium, such as that used in this study, deserves to be considered as a possible therapeutic or prophylactic agent in calcium oxalate kidney stone disease.”


dont know hope it helpsjcjdjc

Why is the classification species not considered a group



All living organisms are classified into groups based on very basic, shared characteristics. Organisms within each group are then further divided into smaller groups.

There are five kingdoms: • Animals • Plants • Fungus • Protist • Bacteria Scientists classify animals together because they have similar characteristics such as they eat other living things and have many cells. As you can see from the chart, kingdoms are divided into groups called phyla.

hope it helps ya mate.

hoping to have a brainliest.

The classification of species is not considered a group because each species is a separate type of organism. The correct option is D.

What are groups and species?

Group is the level of taxonomy in which the organism is present, which has someone's character. Like in the insect group, all insects are present.

Species are the largest level of the taxonomy of the organism. Species are animals or plants or individuals that have the same characteristics and those that can mate with each other and form fertile offspring.

Groups contain numerous species. Like in insects, the insects contain numerous insects that are very different from each other. Like, bees and beetles are very different from each other.

Thus, the correct option is D. Each species is a separate type of organism.

To learn more about species, refer to the link:


The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

A. Each species lacks the characteristics of the levels above.

B. Each species is an individual organism.

C. Each species shares characteristics with other species.

D. Each species is a separate type of organism.

Four different blood types are found in human populations because of _______________ and _______________.



of your body's natural defences and presence or absence of certain antigens


mark me as brainliest if it helped you

who is up for a k a h o o t
about environmental changes?





Hello! I need help ASAP and no links





Answer- Gas bubbles
There are 5 conditions of chemical changes which are Color change, Formation of a precipitate, formation of gas, change in odor, or change in temperature

Describe the bonding between ionic compounds



Ionic bonding is the complete transfer of valence electron(s) between atoms. It is a type of chemical bond that generates two oppositely charged ions. In ionic bonds, the metal loses electrons to become a positively charged cation, whereas the nonmetal accepts those electrons to become a negatively charged anion.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!


Ionic bonding is the complete transfer of valence electron(s) between atoms. It is a type of chemical bond that generates two oppositely charged ions. In ionic bonds, the metal loses electrons to become a positively charged cation, whereas the nonmetal accepts those electrons to become a negatively charged anion.

Explanation: It is

I will give brain to the correct answer!

Which statement best explains how sewage systems help fight the spread of disease?

A. They carry antibiotics that kill pathogens

B. They carry human waste to treatment facilities away from cities

C. They kill animals that spread pathogenic bacteria

D. They add chlorine to drinking water before it is transported to homes.​


B. They carry human waste to treatment facilities away from cities

B. They carry juman waste to treatment facilities
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Such variations come about either by sexual reproduction (and the mixing of two parents' genes) or by mutation.Mutations, remember, are rare and random changes in one of an organism's genes. Normally, there may be only one mutation in a thousand, or even a million, cell divisions. But with millions of cells in a complex organism or millions of similar one-celled organisms in a particular environment, such accidental changes are always possible. Since mutations are completely random, most mutated cells simply die. But sometimes a mutated cell survives and even benefits the organism. And if a mutation occurs in a sex cell, it can be passed on to the organism's offspring.An organism with a mutated cellAmost likely wont pass its mutation down to offspring.Bis more likely to survive than an organism without that mutation.Cdecreases the amount of genetic variation.Dlikely developed in order to help a species survive and grow. Simplify. 24 7/12 - 4 3/820 4/420 5/2420 4/965/24 this is year 2050 and you have been asked to write about the coronavirus pandemic for a meseum.What story would it be WHAT WILL BE A GOOD TITLE FOR IT In "Ellis Island" the author mentions medical inspections. Which central idea does this detail best support? find the axis of symmetry of the parabola Help, please!Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.Online Content: Site 1How was China reunited under the Sui dynasty? (Site 1) I need help ill give brainliest NO LINKS Our highways, espressways, and streets become increasingly congested every day as our population increases and more new drivers enter the road. Distracted driving isn't justa problem for teenagers; it's also a problem for adults. However, today's problems are not the same as they once were. We now have laws prohibiting texting while driving, as well as statistics on the number of people who die as a result of texting while driving. Because of texting and driving, the number of people killed in car accidents has risen. People are nowengrossed in their modern gadgets such as phones, iPods, and other similar devices, rather than wasting time trying to locate a station on the radio. Texting while driving continues to be one of today's most serious distractions for drivers.Florida has enacted legislationprohibiting it, but the penalty is just $30. Although it was formerly a secondary offense and is now a $30 fine, I believe it should be increased. A teens's license can indeed be strippedaway if they are found testing and driving.If an adult is caught, I believe their driver'slicense should be revoked. If all you have to do is pay a thirty-dollar fee then that won't get anyone to stop distracted drivers. We need to do something to grab their attention more than their phones do In the year 2013, the state of Florida enacted legislation prohibiting texting while driving. Even though the legislation was passed, it stipulates that in order to be prosecuted for this crime and fined the $30, you must commit two crimes, which has sparked concerns among citizens about the law's effectiveness.Some residents were concerned that otherresidents (mostly teens and other young and reckless drivers) would be resistant to the new legislation. Furthermore, some residents may live in fear of someone violating the law, resulting in an accident, and innocent people dying as a result of a simple text message thatshould have been delayed. The issue is that some residents want to establish a more updated and stricter regulation, which is understandable, but Florida is currently doing the best itcan to help discourage texting and driving Forty-two states, which include Florida, have declared texting while driving illegal. These states, have taken steps to improve the way they are by making the amount of injuries less than they were in the state. As a result, this bright sunshine state will be able to provide highways with drivers who will not damage their surroundings. It's believed that people want a much better rule, but Florida is still working to make this wish a reality for residents. The feelings of the citizens about making this rule, or even a more powerful law, are reciprocal or much stronger.Can someone write at lest a 5 sentence conclusion for the writing above?? Needed ASAP for FLVS. Multiply the binomials:(3x + 4)(5x-2)A. 15x^2 + 20x-8B. 15x^2 + 14x + 8C. 15x^2- 14x-8D. 15x^2+ 14X-8 Which of the following are alternate exterior angles? Simplify -4(2x - 3) + 7 x 1. An element in a similar period to carbon would beA chlorineB. hydrogenC. fluorineD. magnesium What are two step equations that equal 17? PRATIQUONS- POSSESSION DE/D1) Alexandre's father___________Le pre d'Alexandre.2) Alexandre's sister_____3) Alexandre's aunt______4) Alexandre's grandmother_______5) Alexandre's girl cousin______6) Alexandre's uncle______7) Alexandre's brother______8) Alexandre's dog______9) Alexandre's cat______10) Alexandre's fish______ 4: What is the meaning of the word alleviate as used in this sentence? "To alleviate dust allergies, be sure to keep your pet'ssleeping area vacuumed."OA: ElevateOB: LessenOC: MaintainOD: Recognize plz help with the math problem Paragraph Finding the part, percent, and the whole Styles 1) Sixteen students in the school band play clarinet. Clarinet players make up 20 %v of the band. How many students are in the school band?